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DRUCKLUFT Lager & Buchsen

Unser zum Patent angemeldetes Oav-Druckluftlager ist eine bahnbrechende Innovation in der Luftlagertechnologie. Zum ersten Mal ist ein Luftlager erhältlich, das vollständig integriert ist und auf einer reibungslosen 3-Wege-Oberfläche arbeitet. Die Konfigurationen der Oav-Axialluftlager laufen auf Standardwellen für feste oder lineare Bewegungen und maximieren die Drehbewegung mit höchster Präzision und ohne Reibung unter Verwendung von Aluminium in Luft- und Raumfahrtqualität. Luftlagerhersteller


Oav Air-Lager haben eine höhere Steifigkeit und eine hervorragende geometrische Leistung. Oav-Druckluftlager spannen sowohl die horizontale als auch die vertikale Oberfläche mit entgegengesetztem Dünnschichtdruck vor, wodurch die perfekte Spaltendtoleranz erhalten bleibt. Das Oberflächendesign der OAV-Luftlager verteilt die Luft und die Vorspannung gleichmäßig über die gesamte Oberfläche. Das Ergebnis ist eine hervorragende Steifigkeit und maximale Leistung.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

16x04 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB16i04

4 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

24x06 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB24i06

6 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

24x08 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB24i08

8 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

32x13 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB32i13

13 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x20 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB60i20

20 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x25 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB60i25

25 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

100x50 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB100i50

50 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

150x75 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB150i75

75 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

32x13 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings

Part # OAVTR32i13

13 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x20 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings

Part # OAVTR60i20

20 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x25 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR60i25

25 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

100x50 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR100i50

50 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

150x75 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR150i75

75 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

Custom Design

Part # Thrust Air Bearings & Bushings

We provide designs that are integrated into your product and can quickly develop a design based on the application or specific requirements. We provide detailed drawings and 3D CAD models and can analyze complex issues, from nanometer accuracy positioning to standard calculations.

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