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THRUST AIR Paliers et bagues

Notre palier à air de poussée Oav en instance de brevet est une innovation révolutionnaire dans la technologie des paliers à air. Pour la première fois, un roulement à air est disponible qui s'intègre entièrement et fonctionne sur une surface sans friction à 3 voies. Les configurations de paliers à air Oav Thrust fonctionnent sur des arbres de taille standard pour un mouvement fixe ou linéaire tout en maximisant le mouvement de rotation avec une précision extrême et un frottement nul en utilisant de l'aluminium de qualité aérospatiale.  Fabricant de coussins d'air


Les roulements Oav Air ont une rigidité plus élevée et d'excellentes performances géométriques. Les paliers pneumatiques de poussée Oav précontraignent les surfaces horizontales et verticales avec une pression de film mince opposée, ce qui maintient la tolérance ultime de l'écart parfait. La conception de la surface des roulements à air OAV répartit également l'air et la précharge sur toute la surface; le résultat est une rigidité exceptionnelle et des performances maximisées.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

16x04 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB16i04

4 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

24x06 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB24i06

6 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

24x08 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB24i08

8 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface . Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

32x13 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB32i13

13 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x20 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB60i20

20 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x25 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB60i25

25 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

100x50 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB100i50

50 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

150x75 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB150i75

75 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

32x13 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings

Part # OAVTR32i13

13 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x20 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings

Part # OAVTR60i20

20 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

60x25 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR60i25

25 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

100x50 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR100i50

50 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

150x75 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bearings TR style

Part # OAVTR150i75

75 mm Thrust Air Bearing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

Custom Design

Part # Thrust Air Bearings & Bushings

We provide designs that are integrated into your product and can quickly develop a design based on the application or specific requirements. We provide detailed drawings and 3D CAD models and can analyze complex issues, from nanometer accuracy positioning to standard calculations.

4 mm OAV thrust air bushing three-way frictionless surface air bearing OAVTB16i04

32x10 mm 3 way Frictionless ID Thrust Air Bushings

Part # OAVTB32i10

10 mm Thrust Air Bushing 3-way frictionless surface. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

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